Cute and Fun Turkey Craft Idea for Kids

Cute and Fun Turkey Craft Idea for Kids

This cute turkey kids craft is fun to make! They’re made by using wooden rounds, a leaf and some paint, a quick trip to the dollar store and you’re set. Easy for preschoolers and fun for older kids and students, a perfect Thanksgiving craft. Each child is going to love creating their own turkey character by using different painting techniques and creating a unique and colourful turkey craft project for Thanksgiving!

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Cute and Fun Turkey Craft Idea for Kids

These turkey’s are a perfect kids craft because they’re easy to make and don’t require a lot of supplies. This craft would be great for students as well as toddlers and preschoolers. We made this craft with a group of kids aged three to seven and all of them enjoyed creating their own Thanksgiving turkey.

Here’s a supply list for everything you need to make these fun little turkey’s

  • Wooden rounds (one big and one small)
  • Paint in brown, yellow, red and orange
  • Googly eyes
  • Fall leaf
  • Yellow felt
  • Hot glue gun with glue

How do you make a turkey kids craft?

Cute and Fun Turkey Craft Idea for Kids

Cute and Fun Turkey Craft Idea for Kids

Firstly, paint the wooden rounds brown, a small one for the head and a larger one for the body. While the kids are painting their turkey’s cut the yellow felt into small triangles to use as beaks.

Secondly, using the hot glue gun, glue the small wooden round onto the bigger one. You can also use crafting glue for kids to do the glueing themselves. Next glue the eyes in place and the felt beak. Finally, glue the big fall leaf to the back of the turkey body.

Cute and Fun Turkey Craft Idea for Kids

Cute and Fun Turkey Craft Idea for Kids
Cute and Fun Turkey Craft Idea for Kids

Cute and Fun Turkey Craft Idea for Kids
Cute and Fun Turkey Craft Idea for Kids
Cute and Fun Turkey Craft Idea for Kids

We hope you and the kids loved this Cute and Fun Turkey Craft Idea for Kids! If you’re looking for more Thanksgiving craft ideas check out our Paper Towel Fall Tree Kids Craft. Or check out these Fun Fall Activities for Kids by Lil Tigers.

Happy Thanksgiving from Champagne and Sugarplums
